April 2024 | Color

Easter Morning Walk

Fujifilm X-T1 | TTArtisan 100mm f2.8 | 100mm (150mm) | 1/450sec | ISO 200

Easter Sunday was a lovely spring day. It was warm and sunny, at least for most of the day. Later in the afternoon, clouds moved in. I used the dog walk to scout out the blossoms in my neighborhood to come back a bit later. It felt great to be out with my two cameras, the X-T1 attached to the TTArtisan 100mm lens and the X-E3 connected to the Auto Sears 55mm lens. Both lenses are capable of producing exciting bokeh.

I took the first two shots below while on a dog walk. I was surprised they came out so lovely, with two dogs on their leashes, eager to move around and find new things to sniff.

The crabapple blossoms have the sweetest smell—so lovely. Bees and other insects are also attracted to them, and the buzzing sounds have been more than noticeable. Spring is such a beautiful season, but it is not for allergies.

Japanese maple tree with blossoms
Japanese Maple Tree with Blossoms
iPhone 15 Pro Max | 15.66mm (120mm) | 1/120sec | f/2.8 | ISO 50
Japanese crabapple tree in full bloom
Japanese Crabapple Tree in full bloom
iPhone 15 Pro Max | 15.66mm (120mm) | 1/120sec | f/2.8 | ISO 50
Japanese crabapple in full bloom with swirly bokeh
Japanese Crabapple in full bloom with swirly bokeh
Fujifilm X-E3 | Auto Sears 55mm f1.4 (Tomioka) | 55mm (75mm) | 1/680sec | ISO 200
Maple seeds
Maple Seeds
Fujifilm X-T1 | TTArtisan 100mm f2.8 | 100mm (150mm) | 1/850sec | ISO 200
Grape hyacinth
Grape Hyacinth with swirly bokeh
Fujifilm X-E3 | Auto Sears 55mm f1.4 (Tomioka) | 55mm (75mm) | 1/4000sec | ISO 200
Magnolia liliflora
Beautiful Magnolia Liliflora
Fujifilm X-E3 | Auto Sears 55mm f1.4 (Tomioka) | 55mm (75mm) | 1/3500sec | ISO 200
Chokeberry in bloom
Chokeberry in bloom
Fujifilm X-T1 | TTArtisan 100mm f2.8 | 100mm (150mm) | 1/340sec | ISO 200
Pine needles in spring
Pine Needles in Spring
Fujifilm X-E3 | Auto Sears 55mm f1.4 (Tomioka) | 55mm (75mm) | f/1.4 | 1/2900sec | ISO 200
White spirea blossoms, almost gone
White Spirea blossoms, almost gone
Fujifilm X-E3 | Auto Sears 55mm f1.4 (Tomioka) | 55mm (75mm) | f/1.4 | 1/3500sec | ISO 200



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